um, since last time i posted, the followers of this blog have almost doubled.
i give all the credit to
Heather.She posted about "the reed life" last week and WOW!
amazing what one post can do.
i feel happy, bashful, embarrassed, encouraged, sassy, popular, humbled, and excited about the new friends that this world of blogging can connect me to.
So, for all you new to the reed life,
thank you for being interested.
they are so encouraging and gracious!
i am moved to see how many people will pause and give me words of advise on my son or my mothering.
you guys are GREAT!
i am grinning.
So, here we go.
One of the things that has been a challenge about having all my kids right after another, and so close together,
(go ahead and laugh all you super-heros that had your babies like 12 months guys are angels.)
is finding fun activities that they can all do well enough that i can physically manage them all.
since they all are relatively small(needy), lots of things are impossible or VERY HECTIC.
i actually kinda feel like this challenge is pretty recent, since for a while it just HAD to be separate.
ella was a baby.
and then there were the big kids.
haha! "big"
but as time goes by she is learning how to chime in and it is.....
scary, hilarious, horrifying, sweet and lots of work.
one thing they can all and will all do, right now at this moment is scooter!
so here are my babies turned big kids scootering down the street....
one more thing.
(those of you "big girl bloggers" that have been doing this for a while, go ahead and snicker, knowingly.)
i really want to answer and reply back to all those comments.
it's like there are nice understanding friends just waiting for me to come on over.
i wrote back to a few.
but not all.
that bugs me.
i want to respond to all.
but, my husband asked me to do the laundry(please! can't he see that i have better things to do!)
and i need to work on my banners for the Mariner's Boutique(yep, a tidbit come back...more info to come) and i told Ty, I'd read him a story and i need to answer a buncha
i guess i can't reply to all right now.
but hopefully soon?
i hope?
for now, please know how thrilled i am to have you all and that i have MANY new favorite blogs to catch up on!
so fun!