
christmas and coconuts

have been over to look at heather's 
Home Made Lovely christmas additions?
oh man, they are so great!

I was supposed to do one before the whole "Hawaii situation"
but i will maybe get to participate next year....
maybe mele kalikimaka style?
i feel a little sad.
we do have a few decorations up.

But not the usual.
and when i see all the amazing stuff out there, it gets me inspired, but i know i need to just take a break and remember to prioritize for our particular season.
i'm just telling you that it's a tiny bit hard.

we are having some pretty awesome/crazy happenings over here at our reed house though...

1. missing reedo and then welcoming him home way more often than we are used to.
2. song writing on the kitchen table.
3. cruisin' in our rental mini van....fancy! (it has a DVD player!)
4. enjoying my last day of kids at school
5. listening to our princess "perform" by the fire.
6. christmas treat making.
7. manchild holding.
8. saying goodbye to the pathfinder while she is shipped over the big big sea.
9. reading up on manners in the big tub.
you know, the usual.

i also discovered the whole "coconut oil for your face" thing.
do you know about this already?
so, if you don't already know, it is like the most amazing product.
you can cook with it and just put it everywhere!
do you want to know 101 things you can do with it?
then read this.

I've tried a few of those things.
but being a lady, i don't have a need to mention them all here.

but i will share that my favorite use is as a face wash.
i keep the trader joes tub of it by my sink and i made a salt shaker full of baking soda to keep there too.
i just scoop out some oil(about the size of a peanut M&M) 
and do two or three shakes of the baking soda into my hand with it.
rub it together and then onto my face for like a minute or so.
then rinse and pat dry 
then re-apply just a little around my eyes and on and around my lips(my wrinkle areas)
i'm telling you.
it's not greasy.
it smells good.
the jar is like $5.99

i will say that you can adjust the amount of baking soda if you feel it's too abrasive for everyday scrubbing.
or you can just use the oil.
it removes eye make-up beautifully!

try it out and tell me what you think!

hey look! i blogged!
and it's not even 2013 yet!
and just because this was awesome...
and quite startling...

happy happy happy christmas to you 
from us reeds.



chistmas feels...different this year.
i mean, if you've read my blog for long you know that every early December i get all dramatic and sorta depressed about what christmas can be instead of the real point of what it actually is.
i'm sorta like a broken record.
i'm kinda sick of myself.
but i still do it.

this year, I'm sure there are lost of things that i can be whiney about.
not much is what i expected, this month.
so instead of taking inventory of things that are/aren't fulfilling my expectations, i am trying to look harder.
i am trying to see all God's gifts around me.
and as usual my Daddy is extravagant with me.

streaming sunlight
a christmas tree that i somehow set up all by my big girl self
one on one time with my children
awesome wrapping paper at target
great christmas music
time with my sister
sending my kids to school for two more weeks
a new car stereo from reedo that plays my iphone music
antiquing finds
cold weather
looking forward to new adventures



here and there

i feel like i am living two lives.

one where i am planning our new life in hawaii.
a life that doesn't have a home connected to it yet.
a life that is completely unfamiliar.
a life that is surrounded by beauty.
a life that is surrounded by the unknown.
 a life where i am my children's primary teacher.
(yes, i mean homeschool. i'm scared and excited.)
a life away from the family and friends that we have in california 

but then, there is still life happening here.

school reports
family celebrations
rainy day naps
play time

school gift exchanges
field trips
friends that want to say goodbye

how can i be two places at once, i ask you?

as you can see, i am doing it.
i'm living two lives.
please pray for peace.
or something.