
tiny date night

it took three hours, tops.
he is the sweetest, most thankful person i know.
we fulfilled a few of his little dreams.
he makes my heart feel like it will explode.

ski ball

winning the monkey

mommy having a go

"chicken dinner" at farrell's 

(that is all candy and ice cream)
it really didn't take much
why don't i do this more often?


  1. i need to do this too. so sweet :)

  2. LUV.

    And I have to say, I was way impressed that he wanted peas & carrots on his fancy date night!

  3. So fun! I love his smile with the missing teeth <3

  4. Oh my goodness...I love this. He is so precious! I, not long ago, had a sweet date night with my little fella and thought the same thing---I need to do it more often. Tender and very special memories were made.
