
{virtual} rootbeer float?

if you have a coffee, can i have a rootbeer float and not feel ridiculous?
i am just not "biggirl" enough for coffee still!

that's what i'm having.
multigrain tortilla chips (the "food should taste good" ones with the bag that's pink for breast cancer awareness)
and a rootbeer float.
i'm a classy dame.

if you were here, gawking at my weird snack, i would tell you to pull up a chair and cut yourself a {chocolate}pumpkin spice rice crispy treat that is cooling on the counter.

i would ask you if you want to stay for the crock pot potato soup that is cooking since i am possitive that my kids are going to complain.
i mean, is it kraft macaroni, pizza, or ramen noodles? no?
then they will complain.
so why don't you stay and we can try it and if you don't like it...just don't tell me, kay?

so, what have you been up to?
are you glad about school being in session?
we had our first full week last week and i already have a giant, falling over pile of papers to look at from all three classrooms.
i just try not to look at it too often, or it makes me stressed.

i have had lots of "just me and ella" time lately.
i guess i wasn't thinking about how ty staying until two would effect that.
but she and i just cruise for a lot longer than we used to, just she and i.
its alot more out and about and a lot more of her asking for stuff and me saying "no".
she is learning how to be with just me and not have a playmate and it is a bit exhausting.
i mean, i'm not ready to take back the "just a few playdates" idea, but i think she and i need to find a little pattern so we can have chatty time and also alone play time too...otherwise mommy's gonna go crazy from all the talking and comments and questions and requests and demands....ya know?
she is such a treasure.
a chatty little treasure.

i made mud pie on the first week of school.
my kids had never heard of it, so i had them going for a while that i was making them something out of mud from our backyard.

my sister is in town this week.
 i love having her home.
we've been having some sweet lady time...

and tomorrow i am taking her to do this.

i hope it's fun and not too windy or gross water or something lame.
i've been pumping her up on it.
but i guess if its dumb, we can just go get a yummy breakfast instead....no harm done.

i took this picture of my kids the other day and i really like it.
because it's real.
none of them were happy with me on that car ride.
it represents that moment in time, perfectly.

i am going to blog sugar this weekend.
reedo is giving me friday saturday and sunday off!
isn't that so generous?!
i am going to soak up the kids free time as much as i can.
i am a little...apprehensive about the social-ness of the entire weekend, since big groups is not so much my thing...i am better one on one.
but i am sure i will be fine.
i am in awe(the good kind) of the people that just look forward to this kind of thing with wild abandon....that must feel free.
for now, i am just thinking about the individuals that i have built online relationships with over time and trying to avoid thinking about the group in general, or remembering names (i am the worst!) or unmet expectations.
am i just debbie downer right now?
i am sorta just talking myself into it....maybe it's working for you too , if you are going?
just think about the opportunity to smile and reach out to people....i'm really into that.

so that's what i've got today...
thank you for joining me for coffee and my weird snack.
hope you are having a good week.
that you're getting time on your own to breath, and time with your family to grow.



  1. well, i can't wait to see you.
    and give you a huge hug and smile and cupcake.
    you're just a doll, Shauna and i like you just the way you are.

  2. root beer floats are my favorite...
    but i'm super particular.
    must be breyer's natural vanilla + hansen's creamy root beer.
    i have to miss blog sugar :(*****
    soooooo sad.

    -heather @ cookie mondays
    (why won't my google account let me comment here?)

  3. Yo sweet thang,
    You nad I can huddle in a corner drinking floats together at BlogSugar. I am "one of those" whos all out nuts over this coming weekend. Afterall, Im comin from across the country alone to get to it! But Im also going to treasure our secluded girl time just as much if not more than the actual event too.
    I cannot wait to meet you in person:) And I wont hug you...too much. Promise.

  4. mmm not a weird snack at all. during my 3rd trimester I ate a whole 16 oz tub of hummus and those chips in 5 days and who doesn't love a good float.

  5. How fabulous that you can want a rootbeer float!!! Love that! Please, please, don't grow up so much that you will never admit to wanting one when you really want one. Amazing photos in your post! The ones of the kids are soooo funny. But I'll pass on the mudpies and stick to my own cup of Joe. Have fun with your sister!

  6. your snack sounds like the bees knees to me!
    and...i'm totally with you on the one on one thing. i'm okay behind this 'ol computer, but publicly i'd be a mess! however, you are fabulous and will probably be a hugger convert! :D have a great weekend {alone}!

  7. such a cute post! i love it. and YES i would stay for crockpot potato soup and a rootbeer float. sounds so good!

  8. You are going to have a BLAST! And I want to clean that pan of pumpkin-chocolate-rice crispy goodness with my face.

  9. wierd snack or no, it sounds great! have fun at blog sugar :)

  10. shauna-- if i was going to blog sugar (and i wish i was because i could hang with you in real life) right about now i would be talking myself out of going for sure. i feel like a complete dork in situations like that, even when i am looking forward to them. that's kinda weird i guess. you will have fun though and i will be envious next week when i am reading everyone's posts about it! oh but seriously, being off duty from friday-sunday would probably help me get over my dorky shy-ness REAL QUICK. what a dream.
    mmm...i will have a float with you but make mine a coke float please--and not diet coke, not when it comes to floats. have fun with your sister tomorrow!!

  11. I would always choose a root beer float over coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker.

  12. I'll be there but I won't hug you! I remember from a post a while back that you are not a hugger so don't worry about it. See you soon.

  13. I, too, am having lots of time with my baby (but not really baby) girl. And that car photo looks all too familiar...

    I hope your sis likes SUP. I have yet to take someone out and not have them fall in love!


  14. I am not big on groups either but that sounds like FUN! ella is a doll, love all the pix of her fun days with mama!!!

  15. tomorrow.
    we meet in IRL.
    super pumped about it.
    i am pretending there is no group at Blog Sugar.
    groups freak me out and i always feel left out.
    so we will be feeling the same anxiety.
