He wanted Lucky Charms for his birthday breakfast.
He ate them in his birthday chair(a tradition that I have carried on from my own mother).
He had three bowls.
You may have to be a parent to understand how my heart swells for this little brown haired, freckle faced boy that is just loving on his Lucky Charms...but maybe not.
He is so incredible to me.
My son.
My heart is in my throat, you know?
Then we proceeded to the beach.
We were there for 12 HOURS.
Just let that sink in.
We played and ate and swam and fought and dug and ran and jumped and slathered sunscreen....
Then his friends came for a weenie roast and smores.(pictures to come)
We hung out by the campfire until 10:30pm
Then came home.
The other kids were OUT........but noooooooot Jake.......
HE couldn't WAIT to play with his presents. .....
and at this point, really it was 11 and what was another hour of taking present inventory gonna do????
He is seven.
He has now stayed up until midnight on a night that is not New Years Eve.
This is it.
As good as it gets.
Something about those first born boys...when they grow up it makes your heart just ache! Sounds like a fabulous birthday for your sweet boy!